by Jose1 Ruiz1 | 28 Apr 2023
How can you strengthen your technology risk management? 70% A large majority of organizations have a digital transformation strategy or are working on one. Digital transformation has become a key element in the strategy and...
by Jose1 Ruiz1 | 29 Mar 2023
How to combat face-to-face and online card data theft 759% Skimming growth in S1 of 2022 according to Moneyzine data How do you stop skimming and its latest methods? Although face-to-face skimming attacks in Latin America have been...
by Jose1 Ruiz1 | 5 Aug 2022
How to protect credit cards from fraud not present The adoption of digital channels accelerated by 7 years during the pandemic and about 80% of interactions are digital. Growth will continue, prioritizing experience and convenience rather than...
by Jose1 Ruiz1 | 5 Aug 2022
The need for collaboration between PLD and cybersecurity New customer offerings, digitalization and the criminal environment have led to the emergence of new typologies for money laundering exploiting existing systems and processes. Download...
by Jose1 Ruiz1 | 5 Aug 2022
How to prepare for cryptocurrencies and their compliance challenges Cryptocurrencies continue to foment controversy. Trends seem to indicate that cryptocurrencies will become increasingly integrated into everyday life and business. Innovation in bitcoin...