by Jose1 Ruiz1 | 4 Aug 2022
ISO 37301 for sustained growth and success Does your institution's compliance management system (CMS) help you build trust and grow your business? Compliance with your institution's obligations is essential to achieve growth and success....
by Jose1 Ruiz1 | 4 Jun 2022
Strategies, challenges and customer expectation in means of payment to prevent fraud in the new post-pandemic environment Is your institution prepared for the future of means of payment? Payment methods are one of the most important financial areas in the...
by Jose1 Ruiz1 | 4 Jun 2022
Authentication and Authorization - Key Tools for SuccessAnticorruption Management Systems as a Competitive Advantage for Institutions Digitalization has expanded to occupy a significant part in the daily lives of people, companies and institutions....
by Jose1 Ruiz1 | 4 May 2022
Strategic risk management in a digital world Why should risk management be part of the strategic plan? Institutional operations inherently involve risks, and the strategy defined by the organization must give these risks the necessary...
by Jose1 Ruiz1 | 4 Apr 2022
How financial institutions can mitigate acquirer fraud Why is it important for financial institutions to mitigate acquirer fraud? Learn about acquirers, merchants, ecommerce and payment gateways from the perspective of a financial institution....