Solutions - customer-centric banking

Customer-centric banking

Monitor Plus CCMâ„¢ (Customer-Centric Manager)

is an optimal solution for real-time identification and action-oriented identification of the next logical product of value to the customer.

Use cases

  • Retention and loyalty
  • Detection of inherent purchase propensity
  • Up-selling and cross-selling
  • Sales campaigns
  • Real-time sales opportunities
  • Business optimization
  • Customer transactional profile


Retention and loyalty

Monitor Plus CCMâ„¢ generates a transactional profile of each customer to detail their behaviour and handling of the products they have. This allows identifying customers whose behaviour is an indicator of churn risk.

Customer rating and prioritization

The module analyses the customer database to evaluate multiple purchase variables and generate an inherent purchase propensity score. This allows prioritization of those customers with the potential to purchase products that they do not own and that fit their profile.

Cross-Selling and Up-Selling

The system analyzes the sales potential of existing customers by examining of purchase propensity factors. This is accomplished through an assessment of the institution's product portfolio, its marketing profile and targeting elements such as age, economic activity, segmentation, averages, existing products, among others.

Real-time business opportunities

Monitor Plus CCM™ (Customer-Centric Manager) analyzes real-time information and identifies customer interactions that can generate value offers for the customer as soon as a transaction occurs. 

Behavioural analysis

Monitor Plus® builds a transactional profile of the customer to know their most common consumption habits, most used products, preferred channels, the amount spent, and their most likely times to purchase certain products.

Business optimizer

The model evaluates direct and indirect customer interactions to determine success rates of offers made. This feedback allows it to proactively manage the quality of information by detecting erroneous, new, or corrective data. In addition, it evaluates business conditions and campaigns under a simulation process to make the necessary adjustments to the model to optimize business scenarios.

Customer and product profiling and analysis

Monitor Plus CCMâ„¢ operates continuous customer qualification, prioritization, and product profiling processes to find the most likely and mutually beneficial matches between the customer and the products in the institution's portfolio. This allows it to generate value opportunities that it can launch during direct or indirect client interactions at times that are timely and relevant to the client.

Sales campaign management

The system enables launching sales campaigns subject to events or business scenarios that occur in the customer's transactional processes (e.g. credit card transactions for an amount greater than X on specific days of the week). These campaigns are managed from a control panel for monitoring and configuration of the channels in which the customer will receive the offer according to segmentation criteria defined by the institution.