Solutions - AML Compliance

Enhanced Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorism Financing

Monitor Plus ACRM+™ (Advanced Compliance Risk Manager)

is a specialized expert system that aids institutions in local and international regulation compliance to combat money laundering and terrorism financing.

Use cases

  • KYC, KYE, KY3 and UBO.
  • Digital onboarding.
  • K-Protoype segmentation.
  • Suspicious activity monitoring and reports (SARs).
  • Watchlist screening.
  • Due diligence and reporting.
  • Analysis and visualization of flow of funds and customer relations.


Risk analysis during onboarding and due diligence

Monitor Plus ACRM+™ (Advanced Compliance Risk Manager) generates inherent risk profiles and segments persons to apply mitigation processes, calculate their residual risk and optimize due diligence (during onboarding and through-out customer relations) in KYC, KYE and KY3 procedures for regulatory compliance. The system also identifies customer transactional habits to benchmark their behaviour against that of other members of their segment.

Funds and UBO tracing

Monitor Plus ACRM+™ employs machine learning and expert knowledge to trace funds, uncover undisclosed relations and identify ultimate beneficiary owners. In addition, the system features automated case management and workflows to facilitate due diligence and reporting.

High-risk persons and sanctions

Monitor Plus® creates and manages person risk profiles and can manage, parameterize and screen all types of electronically available lists in a dynamic and flexible way (e.g. OFAC, UN, PEPs, etc.) against all types of persons (customers, employees, vendors, shareholders, etc.), countries or jurisdictions.

Accurate detection and low alert volume

Monitor Plus® uses an assembly of expert models and artificial intelligence to achieve high-level detection and minimal false positives, reducing customer friction and fostering loyalty. Additionally, a lower volume of alerts reduces the operational burden on staff.

AML compliance software
  • Real time transaction monitoring and analysis.
  • Onboarding risk analysis
  • Persons risk scoring and mitigation (customers employees, vendors and third parties).
  • Detection of anomalies in transactional behaviour with respect to their segment.
  • Extended due diligence documentation.
  • Watchlist download, management and screening.
  • Segmentation and risk factors.
  • Analysis and visualization of the origin and destination of funds.
  • Analysis of undisclosed internal relations.
  • Investigation and documentation workflows.

Data Orquestration

Fraud prevention

Monitor Plus ACRM+™ receives information from multiple sources and enriches it with statistical behavioural profiling, such as:


  • Financial and non-financial operations.
  • Operations by jurisdiction.
  • Operations by channel.
  • Screening of the institution's own and third-party lists.

Connect the dots:

Uncover non-explicit relations between clients

Monitor Plus ACRM+™ enables the graphical analysis of customer relations to uncover undisclosed relations, such as:


  • Same beneficiary.
  • Same address.
  • Same phone.
  • Internal funds transfers between customers.
Monitor plus financial software