Solutions - AML/CFT Compliance Suite

Artificial intelligence for comprehensive AML/CFT Compliance

AML compliance

Money laundering and terrorism financing prevention management. KYC, KYE, KY3 and beneficial ownership. Customer linking, risk scoring and continuous monitoring of behaviour. Due diligence, validation against lists. K-Prototype segmentation. Transaction origin and destination flow. Analysis of undeclared relationships. Suspicious transaction reporting

Funds transfer management

Management and control of transfers (local and international) in real time for the prevention of money laundering, fraud and terrorism financing, and operational risk. Download, administration and validation of lists. Automation of controls and case management. Logbook for auditing and suspicious transaction reports (STRs).

FATCA and CRS compliance

Compliance with tax evasion prevention regulations. Analysis and monitoring of new and existing accounts. Validation of client information. FATCA/CRS compliance. Due diligence, reporting and management.

Comprehensive compliance risk management

Risk management for the optimisation of controls and compliance management. Definition of risk factors and sub-factors. Identification and assessment of risks. Mitigation management and automation. Treatment assessment, risk matrices and heat maps.

Anti-corruption and bribery management

Continuous real-time analysis of operations with a high risk of corruption and bribery. Analysis by customer and employee. Automation of control activities. Transactional analysis and correlation of events.

Data quality management

Management and detection optimization, prevention of errors and fraudulent data. Real-time data quality assurance (accuracy, consistency, completeness and validity) through low-friction validation with the customer.