Monitor Plus Magazine - 18th Edition
An expert view on the latest trends and issues in financial crime prevention, risk management, banking and associated technologies.
- Defying crime: the latest trends in money laundering prevention
- Security frameworks for digital platforms
- The anti-fraud trident
- Ensuring integrity, availability and confidentiality of Monitor Plus Cloud Services
- Warning signs that an employee is committing fraud
- AMLA 2020 Regulation: progress and challenges for 2023
- ChatGPT and other forms of AI: how fake identity generation drives cyber attacks
- Why is digital transformation important for a company?
- RITE Argentina: an effort for transparency
- Open technologies: how they can be used by criminals, how to recognize them and how to combat them
- Internal fraud in the new digital banking and the urgency of a mitigation strategy
- Exponential business generation, taking full advantage of AI tools and digital channels to improve the service experience.
- Data governance as part of the business
- Modern CRO challenges