resources - magazines

16th Edition

Monitor Plus Magazine - 16th Edition

An expert view on the latest trends and issues in financial crime prevention, risk management and banking.

It includes:

  1. ISO 37001 as an anti-corruption standard
  2. Getting to know ISO 20022 and electronic data interchange between financial institutions
  3. How to get off the FATF gray list
  4. Prospective due diligence and third-party risk management
  5. Cybersecurity as an ally for fraud prevention
  6. Fraud trends and threats in digital banking
  7. E-commerce fraud mechanisms and strategies to combat them
  8. The Fraud Landscape in Latin America
  9. Changes in the payments industry
  10. Machine learning, the cloud and ROI
  11. Digitalization in the new risk management
  12. Information Security Management System (ISMS)
  13. Analysis of data and indicators in fraud management
  14. The fight against corruption from the perspective of good corporate governance