Solutions - Fraud Prevention

Shield against application and loan fraud

Monitor Plus Credit Application and Loan Fraud Detectorâ„¢

is an intelligent system that prevents and controls credit fraud at all stages: from the application for a loan or credit card, during the life of the loan, and up to its cancellation.

Use cases

  • Application fraud prevention:
    • On applicant's own name.
    • Identity theft.
    • Synthetic identity.
    • Fraud by employees.
  • Fraud prevention during the life of loan.
  • Compliance with institutional policies and procedures.
  • Prevention of errors and business process assurance.


Increased profits, reduction of bad debt

Monitor Plus Credit Application & Loan Fraud Detectorâ„¢ protects against credit and credit card application fraud by monitoring and analysing transactions throughout the life of credit, from application to cancellation.

Comprehensive protection

The integration of expert models that incorporate expert know-how gained from industry experience enables Monitor Plus® to detect a wide range of known and unknown fraud patterns and external and internal fraud modalities. In addition, expert modelling helps prevent typing errors and follow-up failures, ensure compliance with policies and procedures, secure processes and detect attacks from competitors.

Timely and effective actions

Monitor Plus® provides a high level ofdetection with a low level of false positives, enabling a more agile and efficient response to fraud. The platform enables alert management and case follow-up practices, it generates automated defense routines, implements control indicators, management tools, and managerial data for decision-making.

A modern and effective approach to

Application Fraud

Fraud prevention during life of loan

  • High-risk changes made to disbursed loans.

  • Approval of employee loans that deviate from procedures.

  • Reversals of applied payments.

  • Loan repayments made from another person's account.

Compliance with policies and procedures

  • Fees, repayment terms, invoicing dates, guarantees.

  • Authorizations

  • Prevention of excessive attributions.

Procedural error prevention and business support

  • Authorized loans that were not disbursed.

  • Guarantees.

  • Insurance claims.