resources - magazines

15th Edition

Monitor Plus Magazine - 15th Edition

An expert insight into the latest trends and issues in financial crime prevention, risk management and banking.

It includes:

  1. AMLA 2020
  2. Where is the data?
  3. Does your hotline really work?
  4. What is cloud computing?
  5. Pandora Papers
  6. Financial customer fraud and delivery in times of pandemics
  7. EU Whistleblowing Directive
  8. Data, IA and personalisation of financial services
  9. The future of digital payments and CX
  10. Changes in the payments industry and what to expect
  11. Acquisition fraud in times of pandemic and its prevention
  12. Neural networks for fraud prevention
  13. Building trust in the digital world
  14. The challenges facing the CISO
  15. Corporate culture and risk management



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