resources - magazines

11th Edition

Monitor Plus Magazine - 11th Edition

An expert insight into the latest trends and issues in financial crime prevention, risk management and banking.

It includes:

  1. Analytics in business
  2. Cloud management security
  3. Open banking: challenges and opportunities
  4. Banking Trojans: the biggest mobile cyber threat
  5. The weakest link
  6. Explaining artificial intelligence to regulators and stakeholders
  7. Summary: PSD2 and 5AMLD
  8. Threats in cyberspace
  9. Digital transformation in means of payment
  10. The impact of fraud on financial business
  11. Internal cyber security audit
  12. Compliance vs. risk appetite
  13. Due diligence in the prevention of terrorism financing
  14. KYC in crypto-asset transactions
  15. Risk as an opportunity
  16. Challenges of onboarding in the digital age
  17. Synthetic identities: fraud and compliance risk
  18. UX as a corporate strategy
  19. Return on investment in PLD
  20. How to make companies' compliance work more efficient




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