resources - magazines

12th Edition

Monitor Plus Magazine - 12th Edition

An expert insight into the latest trends and issues in financial crime prevention, risk management and banking.

It includes:

  1. Monitor Plus as a Service
  2. Corruption, LDP and reputational risk: the importance of proper anti-corruption management
  3. Data protection, current regulations and the extent to which information can be exploited
  4. Red flags: we are not doing something right
  5. Fake Apps and other mobile scams
  6. Evolution of phishing
  7. Security awareness or fragility?
  8. Fraud trends in 2020
  9. The rise of fraud due to COVID-19 and how to deal with it
  10. Digital transformation for customer satisfaction
  11. Fraud and corruption in Latam's insurance industry
  12. Hyper-personalisation: the rise of personalised customer experiences
  13. The future of payment systems
  14. Segmentation models for LDP: what are we looking for?
  15. Impact of COVID-19 on money laundering
  16. Compliance risks due to working at home because of the pandemic
  17. Personalised customer interaction
  18. Suspicious transactions: from alert to report
  19. Onboarding in digital channels and its impact on PLDFT
  20. Artificial intelligence for risk management
  21. Data-driven business
  22. Knowledge is power with Monitor Plus
  23. The COVID-19 pandemic and the insurance business



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