resources - magazines

13th Edition

Monitor Plus Magazine - 13th Edition

An expert insight into the latest trends and issues in financial crime prevention, risk management and banking.

It includes:

  1. Tips to improve onboarding in the new normal
  2. Personalisation for a better customer experience
  3. A digital society that sustains us in a time of pandemics
  4. Monitor Plus eLearning Services
  5. Internal fraud and reputation
  6. The relationship between cybersecurity and artificial intelligence
  7. The coming fraud
  8. How to strengthen the culture of compliance in times of COVID-19?
  9. Shared intelligence and collaboration for LDP
  10. Anti-corruption and automation
  11. A view on FinCEN Files
  12. Crisis and corruption
  13. Remittances to Latin America in times of pandemics
  14. Best practices for compliance management
  15. Machine learning and segmentation for PLD in the new normal



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