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Monitor Plus Magazine 19th Edition

Monitor Plus Magazine - 19th Edition

An expert view on the most current trends and issues of how the financial industry has been impacted and benefited by digital transformation, and how to use technology to prevent modern financial crime.


  1. 1-click-training Machine Learning in Monitor Plus®.
  2. How to manage the potential risk of asset forfeiture for the financial business?
  3. Evaluating anti-fraud systems: a roadmap for navigating the digital age
  4. What's new in Monitor Plus® version 6
  5. Monitor Plus Regional Seminars
  6. Practical criteria for risk management and due diligence
  7. Change of perspective to address new threats
  8. Anti-corruption management in supplier relations
  9. Permanent vigilance in fraud prevention
  10. How criminals use technology to hide or disguise their digital footprint
  11. The impact of the digital transformation of banking and financial inclusion on society.
  12. Principles of data analytics for fraud prevention
  13. Neuroscience and personalization
  14. Benefits and risks of using artificial intelligence in compliance
  15. Challenges to overcome in the adoption of continuous auditing
  16. The role of internal controls in fraud prevention
  17. Revolutionizing Fraud Management from the MPCS Cloud
  18. 2023 Monitor Plus User Conference


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