resources - magazines

17th Edition

Monitor Plus Magazine - 17th Edition

An expert view on the latest trends and issues in financial crime prevention, risk management and banking.


  1. The relationship between fraud, money laundering and the skill we need to develop
  2. The beneficial owner and KYC systems
  3. Monitor Plus® version 5
  4. Wanted: Ally against financial crime
  5. What you need to know about digital wallets and alternative payment systems
  6. Fraud risk management as a critical driver of trust building
  7. Fraud as the greatest destroyer of organizational value
  8. Challenges of digital identification and verification of identity
  9. Compliance officer: How to ensure proper execution of the role?
  10. Conflicts of interest and corruption
  11. Customer Monitoring with Machine Learning
  12. Keys to a Successful Deployment: Monitor Plus Cloud Services
  13. Change of perspective in the face of new threats
  14. Implementation of a fraud prevention program based on COSO
  15. Customer authentication, what you need to know 


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